Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Music in the Garden of Eden: Amos Lee @ The Edgefield 8/12/11

Never have I seen such a transformation as the one that occurred  at The Edgefield Amphitheater..... I had a bad experience at The Edgefield last summer at the first of two Bob Dylan/John Mellencamp shows. The wheelchair seats were in the rear of the lawn and not elevated.. I brought my concerns to the attention of the management and received what was without a doubt the fastest response I have ever gotten from anyone. The response included apologies, promises to review an alternate Wheelchair location and an offer of tickets to the next Dylan/Mellencamp show!!!  Truly wonderful customer service! This summer, I saw that Amos Lee was doing a show at The Edgefield. I e-mailed the person who had been so kind to me last summer and asked if the wheelchair-seats had been moved. As this was in April, days before tickets went on sale, (yes I am that big of fan) they replied that they were unsure of the plans, but that they would be happy to offer me a spot on the VIP guest list! After I recovered from euphoria-fueled shock, I gratefully accepted. The day came, and I made my way to the VIP section, en route I spotted the new location of the wheelchair-seats, on a hill just to the side of the VIP section! I couldn't believe they were improved that much! I can't wait to use them, and plan to on Sept 4th for Ray LaMontagne. I thoroughly enjoyed the VIP Experience, and Amos Lee electrified the gorgeous summer night with his unique brand of ethereal rock-soul.

I cannot tell you how great it feels to be treated the way The Edgefield has treated me. It is so refreshing to be listened to, and be valued as a costumer, after spending a lifetime running head-first into a brick wall of apathy and indifference with just about every other company in similar situations. I humbly, almost tearfully, bestow a newly created Crippled-Critic Rating on The Edgefield: The Glittering Golden Ramp of Fame!!!