Thursday, March 14, 2013

"The Whipping Man" @ Portland Center Stage

"The Whipping Man" is a gripping historical drama, focusing on a wounded Confederate soldier and his two former slaves. One of the most interesting aspects of the play is its exploration of Judaism during the Civil War, it is a theme that seems to be historically neglected.

Gavin Gregory gives an assured performance as strong and devout Simon, and Christopher Livingston shifts effortlessly between comically cunning and devastatingly serious.

Tony Cisek's giant set is spectacular. "The Whipping Man" is a thoroughly impressive production in every way. The run of the show seems to be just slightly shorter than standard, it ends on March 23rd, so I'd encourage everyone to hurry, but I believe it is certainly deserving of an extension , perhaps I'll get my wish.


Simon: Gavin Gregory

Celeb: Carter Hudson

John: Christopher Livingston