Friday, July 6, 2018

"Mama Mia" @ Broadway Rose

I must confess that I did not expect to love "Mama Mia." I was born well past ABBA's heyday, and know virtually none of their songs, with the exception of "Dancing Queen." No one was more surprised than me when I quickly found myself enjoying it immensely. There are a few reasons for this: One is that it just seems to fit the mood of a musical running in the summer, a show that matched the bright Sunday I attended. Another is the once again surprising "scope" achieved by Broadway Rose. I mean, they list "pit singers" in the playbill, this suggests a larger size than we can even see. I seem to say a version of this in virtually every review of a Broadway Rose show, but hats-off to Broadway Rose for "going-big." That said, my favorite moment was the solo "Winner Takes it All" which deserved a mid-show ovation for the sheer power required. I believe this press-photo is from that song, and that is the moment I wish to spotlight, because it might be overlooked in all the fun of the rest of the show, and that would be a shame.