Tuesday, October 8, 2019

"Macbeth" @ PCS

When I first read, "Macbeth" like you've never seen it before" I expected it to be a bit of marketing hyperbole. This meant I was completely unprepared for its unique aspects. Namely, the all-female cast, which plays multiple roles. It's os an undeniably interesting set-up, and the actresses are exceptional. It must be noted, however, that this also makes the action difficult to follow, especially since the play is short enough not to require an intermission. To compensate, I'd highly recommend either reading the play, or watching one of its many film adaptations prior to going. This will help immensely, and it won't ruin the current performance by any means. The brief vocal musical interludes are beautiful enough on their own to merit buying a ticket. If you go in cold, you may be a little lost. 

Monday, October 7, 2019

"Once" @ Broadway Rose

"Once" is not your standard musical. The film upon which it is based is understated and quirky. "Once: The Musical" is at its best when it mirrors that sensibility. In other words, I enjoyed its quieter moments most. That is not to say that some of the bigger numbers were without charm, only that the understated ones felt like a better fit. That said, if you enjoyed the movie, you will likely enjoy its musical version. Perhaps, if you know going in that it sometimes veers toward a more rockus mood, you will be less jarred. As always, Broadway Rose has wonderful singers and a tight band.