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Friday, May 31, 2013

"The Schemes of Scapino" @ Clackamas Community College

"The Schemes of Scapino" is a hilarious romp. And there can be no romp without a hammy and engaging lead. Jayme S. Hall is Scapino, and  to b call him energetic would be an understatement. He seemed to be especially skilled at improv, for which the show has ample opportunity. As the title suggests, Scapino is an accomplished scam artist, he ensnares the fathers of two friends in a plot to steal their money, which will  allow their sons to marry the brides of their choice. The play is adapted from Moliere, whose work was also adapted from the play "Les Foourberies." As adapted by director James Eikrem, the play makes brilliant use of both slapstick humor inspired by silent films, and pop-culture references. The set is also impressive, an expansive dock by Resident Scenic Designer Chris Whitten.

The laughs are rapid-fire and I am tempted to divulge a few, but that would be unkind. I find it irresistible not to tip my hat to Mr. Eikrem for forcing one his actors to scream "Scap-penis!" One of the best lines I've heard this season!

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